This was my...fifth? Sixth? Session with this family and it was still just as much fun and enjoyable as the first.
I have literally watched this family explode from a fresh family of three, to a family of five (plus two wonderful tag-a-longs this time!) and it has been so cool to witness.
When the kiddos are this young age, it can be difficult to garner perfect smiles and the "perfect" family photo of everyone looking at the camera and giving their best cheesy grin - but. If you are just patient and trust the process, you can come up with some really good images that are a true reflection of life in this moment.
That is what I love about this family. They are always so willing to accept how things are, as opposed to forcing what they imagine will happen in their minds.
When the girls were just over it and done with photos, we busted open the ring pops--then we remembered we wanted photos in front of the tall wildflowers.
So we took one last shot, blue smiles and all. ;)
Thanks again, Ash!! I so loved this time with your family, as always!!
Enjoy your photos!